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  • The distribution of dental treatments and the number of


    The distribution of dental treatments and the number of treated teeth within each age group were also analyzed. The < 3-years-old group was characterized by the highest mean number of treated teeth and the highest mean number of teeth treated by composite resin fillings (CRFs). The 3–6-years-old group had the highest number of extracted primary teeth (p<0.05). The > 6-years-old group had the lowest mean number of teeth treated by stainless-steel crown (SSC) and the lowest number undergoing pulp therapy (p<0.05). Details are shown in Table 5. The demographic characteristics related to dental treatment and the number of teeth treated each year are shown in Table 6. The extraction of primary teeth showed a significant increase in 2011, and when 2012 and 2014 were compared with 2006, there were also significant differences. The extraction of permanent teeth showed no significant change over the 10-year study period. CRF restoration showed a decline over the 10-year study buy MK-571 sodium salt hydrate and, when compared against 2015, there were significant differences with the period before 2011. In particular, there was a crossover wherein the number of SSC restorations surpassed the number of CRF restorations in 2013. SSC restoration showed an opposite pattern to CRF restoration and had increased over the study period; specifically, when compared against 2015, there were significant differences before 2009. When we examined pulp therapy, pulpectomy was seen to be significantly higher in 2006, and pulpectomy showed a decreasing trend over the study period. Generally the rate of pulpectomy was higher than that of pulpotomy over the study period, with 2009 being the exception. The trends over time for each treatment are presented in Figure 1. Finally, when postoperative complications were reviewed, it was found that there had been no major complications noted in the hospital records and no patients had suffered mortality, laryngospasm, aspiration pneumonia or postintubation croup over the study period.
    Discussion Our study group consisted of approximately 70% males and 30% females. Another study, conducted by National Taiwan University Hospital analyzed 200 patients who underwent dental treatment under GA, and the sex ratio (male: 65% and female: 35%) was similar to that of our study. However, another study conducted in Australia, which involved the use of day stay GA for the provision of dental treatment to children, showed no significant difference in the sex ratio of the patients. Our study found that the mean age of our pediatric dental patients who had undergone dental treatment under GA was 5.77±3.55 years. A study was conducted at National Cheng Kung University Hospital (Tainan, Taiwan, ROC) during 2014; this consisted of 118 patients of all ages, including adults. The patients were divided into two groups, namely < 6 years old and ≥ 6 years old. There were 69 patients in the < 6-years-old group with a mean age of 3.3 years, and a sex ratio, male to female, of 1.6:1. By contrast, there were 49 patients in the ≥ 6-years-old group, with a mean age of 20.0 years and a sex ratio of 1.04:1. Our study in 2014 consisted of 127 patients and included 90 patients aged < 6 years and a higher ratio for all patients of males to females (2.6:1, VGHTPE study and 1.83:1, National Cheng Kung University Hospital study). Furthermore, the lower mean age for our ≥ 6 years (9.9 years) group reflects that our service group was pediatric only and did not include adults. The 3–6-years-old group in our study formed the highest proportion of patients, and these groups showed an annual increase during our study. We believe that the concept of early intervention to treat caries is becoming more widespread and thus more parents are willing to allow their children to undergo caries treatment under GA at a young age. A majority of our cases underwent comprehensive dental restoration followed by odontectomy, which agrees with other studies. This seems to be correlated with the current level of caries experienced in Taiwan. When children aged < 6 years were examined, a 2011 Taiwanese oral health survey showed that the prevalence of dental caries among those aged 5–6 years was 79.32%. This prevalence is high compared with the goal of the World Health Organization in 2000; namely, a dental caries prevalence among children 5 years of age of ≤ 50%. Young patients with multiple dental caries are the group most commonly treated under GA. In some cases, the presence of rampant caries was combined with a high level of anxiety, and this often resulted in severe management problems. The other indication for pediatric patients under GA was the need for surgical intervention. Surgery conducted under GA is without doubt beneficial when pediatric patients are being treated because basal body are often afraid of the needle used for local analgesia and are unable to bear long surgical procedures under local analgesia.