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br Acknowledgments This work was funded
Acknowledgments This work was funded by the Basque Government within the framework of the Etortek Program (Grant No. IE14-391), the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad Research Projects, CTQ2015-64402-C2-1-R, and CTQ2011–24355 and the NANOAVANSENS Program from the Comunidad de Madrid
br Pocos libros de econom a en las ltimas
Pocos libros de economía en las últimas décadas han provocado más revuelo que , del joven economista francés Thomas Piketty. A partir de su publicación en inglés en marzo de este año, se ha convertido de inmediato en tópico de interés y debate en distintos círculos. Al decir de un diario francés,
El v nculo entre el militarismo
El vínculo entre el militarismo estadounidense y la organización de los trabajadores en sindicatos, es un aspecto importante—aunque rara vez abordado—de discusión del keynesianismo militar, pues apunta al hecho de que no es posible usar un único criterio, particularmente los cambios en la tasa de de
A partir del cuadro y
A partir del cuadro 3 y hasta el 15 se presentan los resultados obtenidos del análisis de varianza para cada uno de los años agrícolas. Conclusiones La relación entre la desigualdad y la estructura impositiva El tema de la desigualdad está dirigiendo la agenda política y económica global en e
Besides theses extensions pointed by Le n Ledesma other majo
Besides theses extensions pointed by León-Ledesma (2002), other major developments should be highlighted: the first is a variety of works that highlights the “composition effect”, that is, the idea that the sectorial composition of the productive structure of an economy (and especially of its export
The new model would be a
The new model would be a radical alternative to the developmentalism responsible for the limited gaba receptors derived from excessive protectionism and state regulations that ensured high profit margins despite the low productivity (Franco, 1998). Inflation stabilization due to Plano Real (‘Real P
Ara jo et al highlights that the progressive targeting
Araújo et al. (1992) highlights that the progressive targeting of the Brazilian MT exports in the late 1980s towards developed countries such as USA, Germany, Italy and Canada shows that the industry made a significant competitive effort. The growth of the intra-industry trade, the diversification
Finally in limited studies it has been suggested
Finally, in limited studies it has been suggested that the presence or absence of any particular comorbid anxiety disorders may alter the pattern and prognosis of bipolar disorder. For instance, Pini et al. (1997) suggested three patterns in association with anxiety and affective disorder: (i) GAD w
br Methods br Results br Discussion While
Methods Results Discussion While the critical role of epigenetic regulators in disease development is becoming widely recognized, epigenetic regulations in vascular diseases, in particular restenosis, are less well understood (Alexander and Owens, 2012). The BET family is a class of epigene
Pitolisant hydrochloride The drug repositioning strategy in
The drug repositioning strategy, in which a drug currently used for a specific disease is applied to another disease, has gained increasing attention from both academia and industry in recent years (Abbott, 2002; Rothstein et al., 2005; Bian et al., 2009; Yamamoto et al., 2013; Matsushita et al., 20
Another novel finding was the identification of RV
Another novel finding was the identification of RV antigen in progenitor cells of outer granular layer of the brain. This cell type in the brain of CRS patients has not been previously known to be infected with rubella virus. However, the presence of unresolved outer granular layer and underdevelope
br Conclusions Additional research is needed using larger sa
Conclusions Additional research is needed using larger sample sizes to conduct mediation analyses and including preclinical data to confirm that the increased lung cancer risk of associated SNPs is causally driven entirely by increased smoking intensity. However, our results add to the growing li
br Materials and Methods br Results
Materials and Methods Results Discussion Until recently, many internal organs were believed to be sterile environments. Recent studies have however changed that view, showing that even healthy placentas consistently harbor microbial communities (Aagaard et al., 2014). This study serves to s
In this issue of Kobayashi et al demonstrate
In this issue of , Kobayashi et al. demonstrate the presence of tau mRNA in the dendritic bouton, and induction of dendritic tau translation and phosphorylation following stimulation of the ionotropic (NMDA & AMPA) glutamate receptors (). This work, emanating from the laboratory of Akihiko Takashima
saha inhibitor manufacturer br Specification table br Value
Specification table Value of the data Data Data on comparative antimycobacterial activity of total hydroethanolic extracts derived from five medicinal plant species is presented (Table 1). Data on in vitro cytotoxic activity of tested plant species and positive control drugs, isoniazid, rif
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